
14.11.2017 - 13:47 / nikopetteri.

141117-oralabora (1)

I have a hairy mole. / (There.) // Pinocchio had Jiminy Cricket. // Do it, Nixu. Kill them all. / I have this. / His name is Herbert the Spider. / My good conscience is on vacation. Moido.

141117-oralabora (2)

At the bottom of the couch I wait for unemployment benefits. At the bottom of the couch I wait for death. I wonder if I’m at risk of socio-economical exclusion.

141117-oralabora (3)

Hyhky workroom, forenoon. / Focus. / (Self-flagellations.)

141117-oralabora (4)

I love my workroom.  / Basement floor. No internet, no windows. My concentration is at its best! // The commute sucks tho, bike and morning frost and everything. / Another uphill! Poik mää kuale!

141117-oralabora (5)

Besides, I was in Pispala ridge the day before too so I didn’t feel like biking today. / Anarchist Black Cross Tampere prisoner support meal, seitan stew, comrades, and LGBT fundraiser hangover. // The party wasn’t too exciting but at least I tested the waters after eight years of not attending this particular party. / See you again in another eight years.

141117-oralabora (6)

Being unemployed is boring but getting a job doesn’t sound too titillating either. (Don’t tell that to my potential employers.) / Well what do you want to do, right now? / Go to bed. Make dinner. Write a zine. Produce dopamine and adrenaline. Pick at the scab in my elbow. Something useful and rewarding. / I guess a bike trip or a jumpstart to my bloodsugar would put my brain noodles to work. Sitting, alcohol and internet has deflated me completely.

141117-oralabora (7)

Monday blues is the result of capitalist brainwashing. I will decide that it’s a day for rest now.

141117-oralabora (8)

Home? Car? Family? Husband? Traveling? Property? What? / Alien world, alienation. / I don’t even know what I would use money for should I have it. This is everything I’ve ever done, ever felt. (What’s your dream job?) I don’t understand the question.

Oululainen ankkuli pikkuhönössä. Muste paperille, 2017. / A tipsy little duckie from Oulu. Ink on paper, 2017.

141117-oralabora (9)

Kategoria: dom andra.


ingen klass ingen stil

31.10.2017 - 13:54 / nikopetteri.

311017skechdump (1)

Haisuli. Tussi paperille, 2017.

Moikkelis koikkelis! Olen tuskaillut sarjakuva-albumin, apurahahakemuksien, Inktoberin (rip, nippanappa yli puolet jaksoin tehä) ja perintään menneiden laskujen kanssa niin on jäänyt vähän bloggailu vähemmälle. Lisäksi kuvapäivis tosiaan täyttyi enkä oo saanu ostettua uutta – kymppi on iso raha jos toisessa päässä diiliä on viikon ruoat!

Oli miten oli, tässä satunnaisia piirustuksia jotka eivät ihan kelvanneet omiksi päivityksikseen tässä kesän, syksyn aikana. Bye! Ostakaa multa tilaustöitä! Ja pidelkää peukkuja että saan apurahaa!

311017skechdump (2)

Queen. Tussi paperille, 2017.

311017skechdump (3)

Happy house full of happy people. Tussi paperille, 2017.

311017skechdump (4)

Pizzaa ja kulleja. Diptyykki, tussi paperille. 2017.

311017skechdump (5)

What a cute cashier boy. / That’s 100% the only reason I picked that queue. / Äiti ja poika samasta puusta veistetty! (Limingantullin Prismassa heinäkuussa, päivää ennen Huojuvan tornin ensi-iltaa. / Hypermarket, day before stageplay premiere night.)

311017skechdump (6)

All the boys hate me. This will be my life forever. / Fag. / Fag. / Fag. // I’m not explicitly hostile towards you. / This is new and rewarding! I will now develop maddeningly pubescent puppy feelings for you! // I am openly friendly towards you. I’m also jokseenkin cute. / I wish I knew how to relate to men in a normal way. (Puhtaaksipiirtämätöntä pohdintaa pienen homopojan suhteesta kanssapoikiin. / Unpolished ruminations about a gay boy relating to fellow boys.)

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Hahmo sarjakuvasta HeteroseXual Animals 4 (TBA)

311017skechdump (8)

The Pride flag was invented by people. Go ahead and add more stripes. Sopu sijaa antaa! / (* Doesn’t include Straight Pride.) / Keep nationalism out of Pride too. / Kuka tarvii kansallislippuja? En mää ainakaan! (Pohdintaa mustan ja ruskean raidan lisäämisestä sateenkaarilippuun solidaarisuudenosoituksena rodullistetuille, erit. mustille ja latinalaisamerikkalaisille HLBTQ-ihmisille jotka sysäsivät liikkeelle nykymuotoisen länsimaisen Pride-liikkeen Stonewallin mellakoissa v. 1969 ja joita edelleen syrjitään kaikin tavoin niin valtaväestön kuin HLBTQ-yhteisön puolelta. / Ruminations about adding the black and brown stripes to the rainbow flag in solidarity with racialized [specifically Black and Latin@] LGBTQ individuals who started the modern Pride movement in Stonewall riots of 1969 and who are still marginalized by both the LGBTQ community and the mainstream [white cishets in power].)

Kategoria: dom andra.


lain henki

19.09.2017 - 14:08 / nikopetteri.


Mua jotenkin epäilyttää julkaista tää kuvitus??? Vaikka siinä on natsipariskunta esitetty naurettavassa ja epäsuotuisassa valossa (ja tungin vielä varmuuden vuoksi FUCK NAZIS NATSIT VITTUUN-vesileiman overlay-filtteriksi :D) niin onhan ne silti vähän symppiksiä eläinhahmoja. Mutta ehkä mun nyt pitää vaan luottaa että useimpien ihmisten mielikuvissa sika on tyhmä ja likainen eläin…

Tässä vielä vaitonainen kohtaaminen nasuparin kanssa:


(Central Square.) / Oooh, look at that voima-asetelman vakiinnuttaminen. / (A nazi and his girlfriend, walking into red lights.) / (Me on a new bike waiting for green lights, not wanting to fall over in front of a car.) // (Kaleva district.) (A narrow walkway.) // Does this look like a bike lane to you?! // Not all the rules are meant to or worth breaking. / (Car lane.) / Anarchism is about making room for EVERYONE. (Except nazis.)

Kategoria: puuronsyönti.


hesan festarit ja lupaus tulevasta

12.09.2017 - 13:09 / nikopetteri.

110917-helskuta (1)

Now that my room is liveable I can finally report on Helsinki Comics Festival! But first… // H-P Lehkonen paid my deposit! <3 / (2000€ per month salary in comics industry.) / You can pay back whenever, no rush. / Thank you! / (Unemployed bum.)

110917-helskuta (2)

SO YEAH, HKI. / (Several kilos of Pokuto comics.) / Thank God that was my last Oulu-Helsinki busride! / (Nine hours in a cheap bus.) // I missed Broken Minds exhibition because I really needed to rest after my trip. Next year I’ll be more awake: there’s a regional train from Tampere to Helsinki! / I didn’t buy any of my friends’ zines! I’m such a bad friend!

110917-helskuta (3)

It’s always nice to see my friends and colleagues in Helsinki Comics Festival. It’s such an empowering feeling like ”You got this dude, you’re a good comic artist and if you work hard you will make great things.” / (Jiipu won in Best Comic Blog category!) / (I was too shy to talk to Sophie Labelle.)

110917-helskuta (4)

Nothing much to say about moving to Tampere. Packing the car, 6-hour trip in the car, unpacking the car, all went smoothly. My room is all decorated and everything. / I only needed to pack my clothes, books, and electronics; the house has its own furniture in place.) / I’ll talk about adjusting to my new life in Tampere as soon as I get to it. For the time being, I’ll wait for employment center benefits so I’ll get a bike or a bus card. Bye! (Tampere dialect is not my favourite thing in the world and it’s getting kind of old to imitate it whenever you hear somebody lives there.)

Kategoria: puuronsyönti.


long odds

25.08.2017 - 12:57 / nikopetteri.

250817-itkupillunpaluu (1)

Summer play’s been played, and I’m worn out as hell. // I’m moving to Tampere in 2½* weeks, and th– / WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ARE YOU GOING TO STUDY OR GET A JOB WHAT HUH WHAT!??!!!!???!?!? // God I hate that question. What if I just want a change of scenery? Discover myself?? Yeah, I’m an unemployed piece of shit! I’m only going to hang around and drink beer in Vastavirta pub! // Olkoon sitten niin! I’m not interested in a ”real job”! / SKEITTAA JA DELAA!

(*: Bloggaushetkellä tasan kaksi viikkoa. / Two weeks at this exact time of blogging.)

250817-itkupillunpaluu (2)

I’ve slowly been saying goodbye to all the places in Oulu. / Regular pub. / Gig joint. / Gay bar. *smooch, slobber* / Regular pub. / Underground culture centre. / Regular pub. / Regular pub barkeeper custard! // Don’t go! All the cool guys are leaving Oulu! / I’ve already done my mourning. / Not again. Ou-hu-huu! / Some have even said they’re angry that I’m leaving. I’ll let ’em be.

250817-itkupillunpaluu (3)

I attended a tarot reading the other day. / What’s all this tomfoolery. / Aw come on, it’ll be fun! / Ugh, fine. // In my opinion, tarot is not a divination device or a magick item, but rather like a lense through which one can put different aspects of their life into focus. One universal main theme at a time, one can observe their past, future, values, choices and human relationships. All the aspects of the cards are within all of us already, but with the aid of the cards it’s easier to focus on them in more depth. I know I said ’focus’ twice. / Ooh! Aah! The universe is guiding me! Gumbaya!

250817-itkupillunpaluu (4)

Atop thy head. Within thy core. Beneath thy feet. Thy past, thy future… And the peeps and things and stuff affecting your life ’n shit. // I do not fully recall my deck or what each card symbolized, so this is a fully liberal recital! Obviously the whole picture affects each individual card immensely, so it’s not possible to deduce much! / (Fear of failure, a will to survive and thrive.) / (Great things and deeds ahead, very exciting.) / (Something something fucked up family Freud Freud blah blah blah.) / BUT FUCK THE DECK FOR NOW!

250817-itkupillunpaluu (5)

Huh! / I’ve been a bit angry at you for leaving, but this deck is totally saying that you’re doing the right thing. / So yeah! Good luck on your journey. // … // OUUU-HU-HU-HUUU!!! That’s exactly what I wanted to hear from you-hou-houuu!!!

250817-itkupillunpaluu (6)

So what if I cherrypicked the most pleasant interpretation for myself! / I’ve got the universe’s blessing – and more importantly, my friends’ blessing! / I’m moving to Tampere if it kills me! // And hey, I absolutely do have a ”real job!” Because making art is some laborious shit! / Gimme all your art grant money! And all the main roles! / Nyeoom! Bam! Suck on my left titty, Job Centre!

Kategoria: puuronsyönti.


