rakkautta kiireestä kantapäähän

18.09.2018 - 21:31 / nikopetteri.

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Other than moving in, I haven’t blogged about living in a commune at all although I moved out in June. // And although I did live there whole nine months! / I was given birth by the commune to become the succesful artist I am today! Ha-ha! / A-hem… // We were six to eight (I forget) human roommates and like a dozen animals such as cats dogs, birds, lizards and bugs. A mixed bunch of students, job-havers and unemployed. / The proprietors rented out this huge mansion of a house to the bunch of us as long as they would finally find someone to buy the house.

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Buying the house was by no means a thing to happen all that fast, you see the house had four small bedrooms, three large bedrooms, an enormous dining/living room and A GOD DAMN SWIMMING POOL DOWNSTAIRS INDOORS. / Welcome to luxury communism, y’all! / (I tried the pool like twice because I mean… the fuck?) // Clearly the house was originally built to accommodate a large family with children. The walls were thin as paper to make sure the adults would hear the kids go about their shenanigans. / Niko, no!!! / Juice / (Paint thinner) // This was not a very practical feature in a young adult household, should one prefer to get up at seven in the morning. / (Normal speaking voice) / (A dog startled by her own shadow) / (Stairs cracking) / Not all of us were able to have a soundproof room, nor did the earplugs help with the looming feeling of constant human presence.

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Living half my adult life with singular roommates was all fine, with a lot less household maintenance and a lot more solitude. / Roommate’s traveling, aika nakuilla! / Huulisynkkaa henkesi edestä! / Yuck. // Communes however require a shit-ton of maintenance, house meetings and surprise guests. / If only I had seen that coming! // Sure, it would’ve been mighty credible as an anarchist to live communally and grow tomatoes in the back yard, but I’m far too unsocial for that kind of stuff should it require living in a kolkhoz. / IF I CAN’T SECLUDE, IT’S NOT MY REVOLUTION!

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But honestly tho, the best thing about the commune was getting to know all the queer anarchist individuals in the city. I wouldn’t change a thing about that experience <3 / Greetings from the pink-black bubble, y’all!

Kategoria: puuronsyönti.


Ooh la la la la la la! C’est bon, c’est bon!!

20.08.2018 - 19:43 / nikopetteri.

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In Rehab Theatre people mostly know me as ’Niksu.’ / ’Niko-Petteri?’ Is that a comic book character of yours or what? / (New director) //…Uh, no. It’s me. / Oh! Ah-ha! Ha! Ha!!! // But what about my blog? The image of a Niko-Petteri as curated and moderated by myself? / What about the ’self’ as a social, teleological, cultural construct? / What about the position of the stars in the sky??? / Niksu. / Niksu!

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Moro nääs, halluukkonää nähä mun luurankotuheron? // Mikä surettaa, pikku goottityttö? / Ku mää en löyvä mun röökejä.

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Kategoria: merda d'artista.


guess who back in the house, heels click-clacking about

31.07.2018 - 11:34 / nikopetteri.


My new job starts tomorrow. // How’s it feel? / Thanks for asking, I am FUCKING TERRIFIED! // I haven’t had a paying job in 1 ½ years. Doesn’t 500+ days count as long-term unemployment? / Yummy, delicious free taxpayer money! Guffaw! Systeemi on mätä! // I’ve tried to develop myself during this time. Maintain my health, sleep schedule, diet, relationships, political goals… / And don’t forget moment relax! // ”Professional skill” is an empty and arbitrary term! Salary work is not an inherent value! / BUT I’m excited to have a chance at some sort of micro-scale economical autonomy. And to have a job in my own field in a very interesting establishment.

Kategoria: puuronsyönti.


Välikommenttina viimeaikaisiin tapahtumiin ja blogitaukoon

22.05.2018 - 16:52 / nikopetteri.

Moikka pitkästä aikaa tyypit! Tällä kertaa ihan lyhyt tekstimuotoinen postaus vain. Sori etten oo päivittänyt blogia pitkään aikaan. Toki näitä taukoja on aiemminkin ollut blogin yli 10-vuotisessa historiassa, mutta koen silti että on nyt selityksen paikka. (sisältövaroitus: kuolema) (English below. Content warning: death.)




Elikkä mun isä kuoli tässä vähän aikaa sitten. Oon yrittänyt pitää huolta henkisestä hyvinvoinnistani, ja oon kokenut että tunnemyrskyni ruotiminen netissä ja blogimaailmassa ei ole ollut oikea keino siihen näin aikaisessa vaiheessa tapahtunutta. En myöskään koe tarpeelliseksi tai terveelliseksi vastaanottaa lukijoiden osanottoja (tarkimmat ovat ehkä huomanneet minun maininneen asiasta lyhyesti henkilökohtaisella Tumblr-tililläni, mutta mulle se maailma on ihan eri kohderyhmää kuin tämä puoliammatillinen blogi/portfolioympäristö).

Palaan kyllä sarjisblogimaailmaan ennen pitkää, lupaan sen! Luotan myös siihen, että te rakkaat lukijat olette ymmärtäväisiä eikä teitä oikeastaan suuremmin haittaa tämä blogitauko, vaikka syy ei olisi näinkään synkkä ollutkaan. Totta puhuen taukoon ovat vaikuttaneet myös työkiireet, sillä olen ollut kyynärpäitä myöten kuvitushommien ja Huojuva torni-sarjakuvan kimpussa. Bloggaaminen on ihanaa, mutta priorisoida täytyy!



Sorry for the hiatus, guys! I’ll just write this short explanation as to why I’ve been absent for a while.

My father passed away recently, and I’ve been in mourning. I’d appreciate if I weren’t smothered with condolences (although I know they’ll come; I’ve eperimented with telling about this incident on Tumblr and in real life, but Facebook and this semi-professional blog/portfolio seems a lot more intimidating.)

I’ll return to comic blogging eventually, I promise! I just need to spend some time with my friends, family, and loved ones, and try to take care of myself first. Also I’ve been busy with other comic and illustration jobs, so I’ve had to priorize.


Kategoria: Yleinen.


kanavoimaa kot kot

27.03.2018 - 21:12 / nikopetteri.

Tämän merkinnän julkaisuhetkellä Lipsync #4: Young, Broke & Krapulous on juuri haettu painosta. Postimyyntitilauksia otetaan vastaan osoitteeseen niko p niva ät geemail!

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Hi you didn’t make it to Malmö comics residency, sorry. / I saw this coming although I’m kinda bummed out because I spent so much time on my application. / The world is full of super talented comic artists and there were only four recidency slots. // Head hurts… Wanna puke…

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TAMPERE COMIC FESTIVAL! / Lipsync #4 didn’t finish printing in time, but I’m mostly okay with that. / Tampere is my favpurite comic city and it’s nice to see colleagues even when empty-handed. // Aggressive reflux affected my mood a bit but I still attended interesting panels. // Seeing if you got any art grants? / They already skipped my name in the alphabetical order. No dice.

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Team Tessa Astre, Aapo Kukko & Niko-Petteri Niva: 3000€ (three thousand) for making the graphic novel ”The Swaying Tower!”

Kategoria: puuronsyönti.


