Kategoria-arkisto ‘Yleinen’

* #crustmas ⒶDVENT CALENDAR 1/12

Kirjoitettu 2.12.2014 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa Yleinen.

Mullon ihan hirvee olo just nu ja blogikaan ei päivity kunniallisesti nyyh joten ottakaapa tästä ihan luokattoman hirvittävä jul kalender! hurråå!



Ekana joulupäivänä mun beibe anto mulle… / Halapaa kalijaa ja vegejuustua!


* she’s a goner

Kirjoitettu 20.08.2014 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa Yleinen.


Kirjoitettu 10.06.2013 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa Yleinen.

”What weird habits do you have?”

Sleeping on the floor (is sleeping a habit?) / Drag (party-crossdressing) / And spontaneously speaking Swedish! // But what is weird? Lots of western people sleep without a bed frame. / A motor mouth is a motor mouth in every language they can speak, and I doubt that anyone (especially not me!) considers being talkative to be weird. / But I suppose wearing ”women’s” clothing is weird, unusual, freaky, for most people. And awesome things are often weird. (Drag = awesome, yo.)

”Who would you choose to represent Finland in EurovisionSong Contest?”

Mariska! [Finnish pop singer slash songwriter] / Shit just got real! Put on these old rap clothes of yours, and off to Denmark you go!

[I have no fucking clue if this is a really bad trick question, or non sequitur.]

”What would you do with Moominpappa, Sauli Niinistö, [current president of Finland] and Johanna Tukiainen? [Finnish cosmopolitan]”



Kirjoitettu 1.06.2013 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa Yleinen.

”Your ultimate sexual fantasy?” ”How should Lord Of The Rings have ended?” ”How would you use pantyhose in a DIY kind of way?” // That’s a surprisingly tough question! / All in all, I’m rather a vanilla type of guy. // Oh I get it now! Hahaha, funny.

A fourth movie is added to the trilogy, in which people just fare each other well for three hours, just like in the ending scene (/scenes) in Return Of The King. // Seeya, we’ll miss you guys! / Sob, bye. // Sob sob sob // Also a couple of impromptu non-white characters, and Tom fuckin’ Bombadil.

I’d probably use them to filter coffee, being too lazy to buy new fiter bags. / And if they were kinky-red fishnets I would pull them over my head and rob a bank.



Kirjoitettu 30.05.2013 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa Yleinen.

”Are meat pies good? / Which member of the True Finns party would you shag if you had to? / Which vegetable would be the most uncomfortable when stuck up your nose?”

I’m a vegetarian-going-vegan at the moment, but one can hardly call meat pies meat anyway. / They’re no good, but I rarely eat anything for the taste anyway.

Olli Immonen! / And you wouldn’t even have to force me to tap that…

Idk some super sharp, skinny and loamy carrot I guess.

”Describe the prince of your dreams!”

Dreadlocks – Piercings – Beard / Nice little squishy gut / Master chef – Tattoos – Tall – Strong (but not too buff) / Hairy as fuck.


