Kategoria-arkisto ‘puuronsyönti’
* ontuvat homot eli musta pispala 2016 eli nixu tampereelle 2017 kickstarter
Kirjoitettu 4.08.2016 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa puuronsyönti.
Yay, I’ll be able to pay rent and bills.
Took a bus to Tampere for an anarchist festival! I was supposed to go to Puntalarock but then I remembered I had a job gig the same weekend. Wedding photoshoot. / Eight hours later: *doorbell* / Good morning Jiipu sorry I woke you up do you have coffee what’s up baby!!! / ?????
Starting party. / My heelbone is still sore from the other day. This bumpy yard isn’t helping, either. Gotta go pee… / *smothered shrieking*
Friday morning my foot hurt like hell. As I stayed in Jiipu’s place for a bit, her commune buddies were super helpful regarding painkillers and first aid. / And Hirvitalo had a single crutch! Short one, but still.
Zine workshop. / *writing machine noises* / I wrote a semi-gross erotic poem.
Pub quiz. / Let uss name our team ”Limp Gays”, to commemorate our busted feet. // Antti knew EVERYTHING. / 12) How many eyelashes did Emma Goldman’s second cousin have? / It’s a trick question. They had a orange CAT that hated Mondays. And he had 64 eyelashes.
On Saturday I missed the transgender conversation s well as the one about black-pink organizing. // Intersectional feminism: / Anarchism ought to be inherently feminist. / Sure, but words carry weight and meaning. Only by using those words can one make these topics and issues visible.
Feminist collective: Cat feminism! / Heterosexist dichotomy projcted unto non-human animals etc intersectional obscurities. // Russia 1917 -> Anarchy in Helsinki. / This is a list of Finnish millionaires (or Helsinkiites, can’t remember). They must all be killed. / HEY! Why’s my name not on this list!? Am I not important enough for you rebels!??
Taxi to Jiipu’s place and back home in the morning. / You so gotta move to Tampere! / I will, after I graduate. So, around new year’s? / Good night. Welcome to Tampere.
* kuin hoitoaine kämmenellä
Kirjoitettu 18.07.2016 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa puuronsyönti.
Punk festival! / I was at the info table so I got in for free. Tried to sell old zines on the side to be able to buy the official festival t-shirt but we ran out of small and medium shirts before I managed to gather up the cash. // After my shift: / My goal tonight is the following: // Get booze. Get cigarettes. Get sum sweet luvin’! / You’re two slots out of three, then.
((Joo minä vahingossa juhlatupakoinnin aloitin taasen. Kyllä kesä kuivaa minkä kasteleekin! Kiitos tupakkalakko 1.1.-1.6.2016?))
I busted my heel bone at the Foward (JPN) gig. // Probably just a minor fracture, the pain is merely irritating. / Gotta sillywalk and eat painkillers for a while is all. / (I made the mistake of checking out pictures of severely broken heel bones. Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew.)
In the moshpit there was a cute bear boy who made out with me impromptu. / What a nice butt! / Bear boy if you’re reading this my email is nikopniva@gmail.com! // Then I had to go to bed because Janne was visiting from another city and needed a place to stay. / Bear boy! / Butt! / Three out of three!
* sole poka mikhään
Kirjoitettu 8.07.2016 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa puuronsyönti.
I missed Helsinki Pride because of a family reunion. // My big brother was supposed to be there too but he had a bicycle accident. / I was sort of disappointed because I haven’t seen him in a couple of years. // The fifty to sixty Niva’s will suffice. / Hi Niko! Remember me? / Fuck no!
I don’t understand why Pride has to be so loud and flamboyant. Wouldn’t gays and tr***ies be taken more seriously if they behaved like normal people? Real homosexuality isn’t that in-your-face, blah blah blah… / OH MY GOD. // Pride PARADE is supposed to be funny! Pride week and month, on the other hand, are chock full of ”serious” information. / (Anal sex 101, Tove Jansson exhibition, Comics workshop, Living Library, HIV-checkpoint, Trans group…) // The main parade is a place of happiness! We have a right to exhibit mirth in public! Every parade has scantily clad folks! Helsinki Samba Festival? Mardi Gras? Si? // If the straights’ respect towards LGBT people (or yours, dear author) relies on us conforming to your norms… / (Dresses according to gender norm, doesn’t take up any space at all, not a single word of their spouses, sits down and shuts up forever. Dysphoria? What’s that? Everything is a-fucking-okay!) // …I’ve for news for you: You’re still a homophobic P.O.S.! / Oooh! A dude wears makeup because it’s a fun thing to do! Escándalo!
*Jaa, skanneri söi ohuemmat tussit ja piirtopöytäkin kärhämöi viimeisessä ruudussa. Hauskalla meikkaamisella tarkoitan sitä, että meikkaamisen harrastaminen on voimauttavaa ja mukavaa, en sitä että meikkaava poika olisi automaattisesti hassu ja naurettava.
* katsopas tätä, räkä pursuaa päästä
Kirjoitettu 23.06.2016 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa puuronsyönti.
Roosa’s new place last week’s Monday. / I need some help painting the signs for Pikipop Festival, wanna help? / I’d love to be able to see Sydän, sydän for free! // I listened to Sydän, sydän for the entirety of highschool back when I was a cute little artsy hippie. / I wish I lived in a self-sustainable commune!
During the work week I got mail from the study grant board. No student allowance for me! (/ (The spirits of Minor Bureaucratic Inconvenience and Non-Existent Ability To Handle Stress hovering around me) / Welp, time to die. // Sydän, sydän played an a-ok gig, after which: / (Some friend of a friend from OGL) / You’d be taken more seriously in the work industry if you didn’t act so gay. That’s just the way the world works, I ain’t got nothing to do with that. In the work industry, everybody’s asexual.
* minä olen maailman ainoa köyhä ihminen yhyy minäminäminä
Kirjoitettu 31.05.2016 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa puuronsyönti.
(The Holy Job Tree) // What a lovely job I have found! / The Job Tree has something for every unemployed individual in Finland. The Job Tree loves you. // (KELA: Fuck your student grants, lol.) / (Job Centre: Hiring a night cleaner with 50 years of experience. Adequate working hours not guaranteed.)
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- puuronsyönti (141)
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