Kategoria-arkisto ‘puuronsyönti’

* choices

Kirjoitettu 8.03.2017 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa puuronsyönti.

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Geez, this is going to be one heck of a Movie Moment! So cute it’s gross! // (Like an hour later:) / Sons-of-bitches lost my luggage! / AGH. / So we went to buy groceries!

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Robbie was head over heels about the exotic Finland. / There’s all kinds of gluten-free stuff here! / British coffee is gross and bland! / Especially the hypermarket next door and Juhla-Mokka coffee. // Kissy kissy cuddly cuddly. / Then we made out, ew, yuck.

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We had big plans indeed. // But then we ended up eating out, shopping for stuff, and making a roadtrip to Liminka. / Behold my ort art school. / Cool. / (All cars are hat-shaped Lada mobiles!) // We also watched a shit-ton of movies.  // And you didn’t even come to see me! / Although you lived right next door! Sniff! / Ya big old meanies! / Sorry, Toripolliisi. I forgot.

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A few days earlier: / Oh, I’ll have a foreign guest too! They’re French. // We’re kind of in looove. / Sounds dangerous as hell. // Why, I would never have the guts or the skills to try any lovey-dovey shit with someone who lives thousands of miles away! No ma’am! // Robbie’s coming back in a few months. Oops.


* elias tapani karhu

Kirjoitettu 26.12.2016 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa puuronsyönti.


Work has sucked out all my time and energy to update my blog. / But is it not a positive problem? I’m so caught up on a job in my own field that I don’t have time to focus on such frivolous things as blogging! / Since comic blogging is the most important portfolio for a comic artist, is it not its purpose to give me an actual job and make itself obsolete? // HOW ARE YOU, NIXU? / I finished the children’s book illustrations. // I don’t know the name of the book, nor have I read it, but the team gave me a Christmas postcard and non-vegan chocolate as a thanks. / (Boob milk)


Work is fun! I’m still confused about the fact that I have a job in my own field all up until spring. // MY inherent aversion of authority has raised its head. // (Two evil men, one of whom looks like Timo Hännikäinen, dangling my career above my head.) / Jump, boy! Ha-ha-haw! / No! Please be kind, o boss men! // (In reality:) / I lived in a commune twenty years ago. / I lived in one thirty years ago. / I did fifty years ago! AND I punched a cop at Woodstock! By the way Niko, you can leave early today. Merry Christmas! / Old hippies give me life <3


I did LP covers for Whatevermen. Keijjo will have my head on a plate, but I did use a font. Sorry not sorry! / I also can’t seem to draw Keijjo without a ponytail. // What about your thes– / MY WHAT A BEAUTIFUL WEATHER IT IS DONTCHA THINK. // I can’t promise anything about the next time I’ll update. Let us all hope that I will smother myself in paying art jobs so I will never even have time to think about blogging! Till next time, ciao!


* klamydia

Kirjoitettu 19.11.2016 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa dom andra, puuronsyönti.



I’m going to move out of Oulu after school. / (All my friends:) Nooo! Everybody’s moving out! Please stay! Boo-hoo! // Fine. Help me find a stable job and a boyfriend and I’ll stay. // … // Need help moving? / Help me carry my laundry machine, will ya.


* Oulun sarjakuvafestivaalit

Kirjoitettu 7.11.2016 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa puuronsyönti.


Oulu Comics Festival 2016! A.K.A. the last comics festival of the year. To me at least? I don’t remember when Necrocomicon of Turku is. Anyway… /This year I didn’t sell zines anywhere no wait sorry I did! In Tampere Kuplii in March. But other than that I’ve been focusing on my thesis. // And now it’s done! The comic production, not the written thesis. // On display in the campus gallery, way outside of the city center…



The first festival day ended with the traditional first-Thursday-of-month Comic Meeting. / St. Michael – Penalty for speaking in fake Irish accent is 20€. // Leon Stekla & Gon Rodher: Your zines are all over Malmö, a friend of mine is a superfan of yours! / Oh, cool. / (International superstar!)


Friday: Tusen Serier Collective: Dubbelmoral. // Burlesque! Regiina Dieder channeling Black Peider. // In the great tradition of Peider-ism, Regiina flailed audience members across the stage. / You weigh like 20 kilos. // Batsinthe Belfry giving occult realness, mama.


Gonzalo was busy painting the mural in Kulttuuribingo. / We’re going back to Malmö on Sunday. / Insane. // Oh yeah! Earlier on Friday I signed my job contract! / (Youth employment services) // No, it’s not the snow shoveling job. I quit just in time before first snow fell. / I got a job in my own field, thanks anyway. / Okie-dokie, thank you and goodbye. / It’s not like I would’ve wanted to start waking up three in the morning to shovel some snow…


Saturday: Comics Oasis. / Since I’ll soon be a job-having individual I might as well splurge on some comics! // I interviewed Gonzalo. / Who are you what do you do howzit hangin’ / Yeh. / (Too much coffee – Creeping hangover / Slightly hysterical) // You did good. (Jarkko the M.C.)

Gonzalo ”Gon Rodher” de las Heras on espanjalainen Malmössä työskentelevä monitaiteilija, joka osallistui mm. pohjoismaiseen sarjakuvakilpailuun ja maalaa muraaleja minkä ehtii. / Gon Rodher, born and schooled in Spain, lives and works in Malmö, Sweden – is a multidisciplinary artist who took part in the Nordic Comics Competition and paints murals like there’s no tomorrow.

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Afterparty in sports bar Snooker Time. / (Noise, clink, clang, drum noises) / (I didn’t see the artist so I drew them as an anonymous blob à la Jiipu Uusitalo.) / They played before Jyrki Nissinen, not at the same time. // You’ve got to come visit Malmö! You made us feel really warm and welcome in Oulu. / (Friendship! Companionship! Compliments and positive feedback! Validation!) / Now I know what I’ll save my paychecks on.


Heterosexual invasion in the gay bar. / Snooker Time closed for the night and all the other bars were crowded. / I see. / ”You come to my house.” // The fifth annual Oulu Comics Festival was a full ten. Now I shall drown myself in my deadlines and start my new job tomorrow in the city-funded art project. Ciao!


* Helsingin sarjakuvafestivaalit 2016 (ja vassarit #3)

Kirjoitettu 8.09.2016 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa dom andra, puuronsyönti.

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