Kategoria-arkisto ‘merda d’artista’

* mutu-mutu-muumuumuu

Kirjoitettu 6.06.2013 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa agit-prop, merda d'artista.

Could it be that, with the queer scene of Oulu being quite microscopic, lots of people merely pretend to like each other just so that they wouldn’t seem like douchebags in the eyes of the entire scene? / And that this dishonesty bitters already bitter people even more? And that the ones deliberately avoiding ”The Scene” because of this are, in fact, contributing to this bitterness? / Is it like this everywhere in Finland? Cliques keep a-clique-ing, outsiders poison the air by dissing the air poisoned, queer community gets cut off, isolated, excluded even for itself, and everybody has to fight their battles alone? / I’m gonna need a lot more beer than this.


* move in the right direction

Kirjoitettu 13.05.2013 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa merda d'artista.

Painting class has been a blast! Of shit. On my face. But sometimes it’s been really rewarding and lots of fun. Here are some of my favourites. All have bee painted with acrylic paints, usually within a couple of hours because I’m lazy and impatient.


Mooore leeeaaaaves and letting the wet paint run artistically to distract the viewer from all of the randomness!

Replica of Mother and Child by Egon Schiele.

And this.

Guess which one is the free-time for-shits-and-giggles painting about a subject of choice, e.g. glass ceiling, self-indulgent Liv Strömquist pastiche, and smashing the patriarchy via turning the tables regarding the issue.


* auki

Kirjoitettu 11.05.2013 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa merda d'artista.

This is my soul. / Or my heart or my self in its entirety or whatever. / IT’S A CONDOM WITH A TURD INSIDE. // Then the shit ferments inside the condom and produces gases. / And the condom inflates like so. // Then sometimes I open my mouth to talk about irrelevant shit or to laugh or to make others laugh or to cry, and the gas comes out. / Fuck what stench. // BUT THE SHIT STAYS AND WON’T GO. Ever. / THE END.


* tastes like sadness

Kirjoitettu 9.04.2013 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa dom andra, merda d'artista.

”I’m the smallest pony in the world / small and adorable / I’m the raddest pony in the world / Fuck all y’all yeah yeah!”

Perhaps it’s not the right moment to resume smoking. / Asthmatic pressure in my throat inspired me to outline a comic short story. / Mute guy adventures! Social justice! / Drawing in a train has its own challenges. / Can’t really focus on details or small pictures. / (Opening-slash-graduation clothes: Collar shirt, cleavage shirt, tie, skinny jeans, Converse sneakers) / ~Free punch party!~

Renovation accident: / Damnit. / (The sock box broke down on me) / (Removing the old band-aid) / Coolest scar ever!

Spring in Hatanpää. / I felt way more inspired on the outward journey.


* queens and closets

Kirjoitettu 4.04.2013 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa merda d'artista, puuronsyönti.


I got a closet! / Clothing inventory: / Golly what ugly clothes I have! I’ve grown out of several of these, and carried them with me for years. / Time to book a flea market table, then! Yet another virginity to lose. / Then I shaved my moustache. / I miss those whiskery sons-of-bitches already.

check out my back n booty yo


