Kategoria-arkisto ‘agit-prop’

* olemassaolo vallankumouksellisena tekona

Kirjoitettu 14.06.2016 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa agit-prop, merda d'artista.

140616-orlando (1)

Seitanrock, powered by Animal Liberation Oulu. / I missed the only band I knew beforehand; Had an accident at home. // An ellipse! Because you can guess what happened next! / You should’ve left it like that. So fuckin’ punk rock! / I wasn’t ready to commit to that. / (Ljuba borrowed me her trimmer.) // However the other performers were super cool as well! // (Ciprian from Romania) / I genuinely thought this would be a satanic festival cause I didn’t know that seitan is an actual dish and not just a Finnish way of writing Satan. / You are a living stereotype.

140616-orlando (2)

After supporting animal rights it was time to support human rights. / (Oulu LGBT organization 30 year anniversary! Also give us money we’re broke as hell, oops.) / It was already so late that I only paid the membership fee and had a pint or two. // On Sunday, I heard the news about Orlando shooting. / Pride events are still necessary. The world is not completed. There’s still work. Equal marriage and everything else is just the beginning. WE WILL NOT GIVE IN TO FEAR. NOR WILL WE FEED IT.


* minkä alan huippuosaaja aiot olla 2080-luvulla?

Kirjoitettu 3.12.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa agit-prop, merda d'artista.

031215-tuotteistaminen (3)  031215-tuotteistaminen (1)031215-tuotteistaminen (2)


* et osannut tulkita kai mun viestejäni kryptisiä

Kirjoitettu 4.11.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa agit-prop, merda d'artista.

palervokalsa (1)

(Sometimes, when I open my mouth, words come out. Such as: Love. Feminism. Anal stimulation. Sometimes the words make sense. Sometimes they don’t. Which does not happen very often because I am a smart, capable young man.)

palervokalsa (2)

Greetings Earthlings! // My name is Niko-Petteri Niva, and I’ll be selling my comics in Oulu Comic Festival’s Comic Oasis on Saturday, November 11th, 11AM till 7PM! Don’t ask me why I’m naked! // Tomorrow, Thursday 5th, the festival opens and seminar stuff will happen. In the evening, comic meeting in Snooker Time Bar. / (Jupe:) Get dressed now. // On Friday, Nordic Comic Competition winners will be rewarded and 2016 competition theme announced. // In the evening, in (Kulttuuri)Bingo, Comic Ink Club. See Tiitu Takalo in the flesh! / Hiya.

Sunnuntaina näyttelyesittelykierroksia, katsokaa internetistä. / On Sunday, exhibition tours, see the internet for more information.



Kulttuurikeskus Valve & Oulun sarjakuvakeskus
Hallituskatu 7, Oulu

Mäkelininkatu 29, Oulu

Snooker Time Bar
Asemakatu 28, Oulu


* festival gegen nazis

Kirjoitettu 27.07.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa agit-prop, puuronsyönti.

270715-puntalarock (1)

Olli Immonen is an idiotic nazi. / I’ve sat in the train station for five hours. And five hours more do I have to sit and wait for the festival bus. // Axu the Ex to the rescue! / Internet! Nixu the Ex needs a ride to Puntala-rock, pronto! / Aye aye! / Hocus pocus internet magix punx. // Hehe, festival taxi again. / Olli Immonen is a war-inciting nazi.

270715-puntalarock (2)

The tent area was sheer mud chaos, as expected. / Olli Immonen is a gross nazi. // I was all about that punx fagz fashion! // I tried to hit on at least two guys but they were both hets. (Not related to my comic, HeteroseXual Animals.) // One of them gave me a kiss to retaliate. / Olli Immonen is literally a nazi.

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I went to bed quite early on both days and barely went to any mosh pits. / My shoes did change color in any case. // Jiipu and Axu were who I hung out with most of the time. They’re the best tho! Unlike Olli Immonen who is a fear-mongering paranoid bullshit nazi.

270715-puntalarock (4)

Waiting for my train home: / Boy do I feel like a festival animal. And the train station falafel gave me the worst stomach ache. Crust punk as hell… / Hey! // I’ve got a suggestion for you. // Go fuck yourself. / Ya dig. / Go fu / I wonder if he was a nazi, just like True Finn member of parliament, chairman of a nationalist organization Suomen Sisu, Olli Immonen?



* mässäile taiteella, älä ruoalla

Kirjoitettu 7.07.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa agit-prop.




Feast On Art on uuden uutukainen taidefestareita järkkäävä lafka, ja meikämandoliino on osa festivaaliohjelmaa. (en järkkää omia avajaisia.) tapahtumapaikka on Rajatila-Galleria osoitteessa Hämeenpuisto 10 TAMMERFORS, eli niin lähellä keskustaa että ei ole mitään mieltä saivarrella että oikeastihan se on jo Amurin kaupunginosan puolella öyh vöyh anyway kattokaa mun sarjisoriginaaleja ja ostakaa mun pienlehtiä ja silirimpsis tättärää!!!!!!!



