if you don’t update you blog, you’re NOT. DOING. COMICS.

19.01.2015 - 19:04 / nikopetteri.


Hiiiii! Sorry I have been a lazy blogger once again! / Though the last few days have been some intense shit. // Last week, and week before that: / Fucking fuck! I’ve got to find an internship right now! Why won’t anyone reply to my emails?! / (Type-a-type-a-type)


”Oulu Game Lab”? I’ve never played shit, let alone given a single serious thought to game design, but… // Here goes nothing! // Then I got in. / What the fuck. // Anyway I’ve really enjoyed my stay and the people are awesome and the lectures are in English but that’s not the point! // This is: / It’s time to play my favourite game. // ”How long will it take (without my sying it out loud) for a new social circle to realize I’m gay.”


On the other hand it’s kinda liberating to be certain about not being ”that token gay guy”, and exciting to be some sort of a double agent among the straights. / But as time goes by, it’s starting to feel like a closeted teenager all over again, although no-one here has implied anything close to homophobia. // Blah blah, favourite TV series, blah blah… / Here’s my chance to almost casually come out! // Mää ja mun poikkis katotaan OINTB:iä ihan hulluna. // Aiku kiva. /Juu-u. / (Niin homo että näköä haittaa.)



Well, I wish it had gone that smoothly… / My other favourite game is called ”Spot The Hetero.” // I’m gay. / Oh okay, cool! I’ve got nothing against gays! Although I’m straight myself. #GayMarriage2013! // Aiku söpöä! Elä ja anna toisten elää! / As a straight guy I’d say that… / My best friend’s gay. / So is my second cousin! // I voted for the gay guy from Green Party in presidential elections! / I own two entire rainbow-themed items!! // Who’s a good token homo? You’re a good token homo!


Omg my exaggeration and incrimination is TERRIBLE. / Heteronormativity plagues my self-esteem, behaviour and identity as a sexual and romantic creature. / All my thoughts of queer rebellion and everyday life are filtered through the heterosexual matrix! // Skriäää! / (*All events are over-dramatized because I fucking can.)


Epilpogue: / How surprisingly fun and inspiring it is to study game design! Now I’m gonna… / (Email noises) // (Three invitations to internship interviews) // (Sad trombone)

Kategoria: puuronsyönti.

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