Kuukausiarkisto helmikuu, 2018

* demon est deus in versus christus verus luciferus

Kirjoitettu 16.02.2018 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa puuronsyönti.

160218-noitavasara (1)

I began the rehabilitative labour workshop in Legioonateatteri. / Hi! I’m Niksu, 27 years old, and I’m not interested in getting a job. // Excercise and getting up early is quite nice after all! // COMMON COLD! // I changed my mind, being awake and being alive both SUCK WHOLE ASS. // I’ve had long naps. That’s the only kind of naps I know how to take.

160218-noitavasara (2)

Then we went to Oulu! // OYT: NOITAVASARA! / Very long but beautiful ritual scenes. // I didn’t make any contact with the characters. / Huh, the main character is currently being manhandled. I’m not touched by this. / Or rather, they were not characters (Not even the ones based on historical figures! Such as Matthew Hopkins etc.) as much as they were archetypes and symbols. Not unlike tarot… // Read this paragraph! / React to this interrogation! / Make way to an actor climbing on top of the audience! / Interactive theatre makes me very uncomfortable.

160218-noitavasara (3)

Take the hand of the person you’re sitting next to and tell them: ”I LOVE YOU!” // – // Hee hee, hoo hoo.


