Kuukausiarkisto tammikuu, 2018

* seksikäs ranskalaistyylinen kaamosmasennus

Kirjoitettu 8.01.2018 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa dom andra.

080118-letsride (1)

Ahdistuskohtaus Tammelassa. Sivellintussi liian huokoiselle paperille, 2018. / Anxiety attack in Tammela district. Brushpen on too spongy a paper, 2018.

080118-letsride (2)

I can’t not look. / (Activation model – Poverty – Blight – Death) / LEAVE IT BE / Food donation – discontinued for not making profit. / I don’t have the energy to be angry anymore. All I got left is fear and anxiety. I haven’t felt this big a burden in years, although on an intellectual level I know that’s not the case.

080118-letsride (3)

LOOKS LIKE IT’S TIME TO REMIND NIXU OF GOOD THINGS IN LIFE AGAIN! / No, I wanna wallow in self-pity! Wallow, wallow. // I live in an anarcho-feminist queer commune in the best working-class city there is. // I’m ating a cute and nice dude. / Who you still can’t draw properly, I reckon. // I’M SURE YOU’LL [Nixu] FIND SOME ART COMMUNITY TO JOIN SO THAT YOU WON’T BECOME A TOTAL RECLUSE. MÄÄ USKON SUHUN! (I couldn’t think of any more good things in my life)

080118-letsride (4)

(State:) I’m tired of trying. Help me out! / (Anarchist activity – Theatre – Social life:) Nixuuu, Nixu… Come out and play! / (Floating on a cloud of isolation:) Did I hear something? Nah, I think I’ll just watch one more Vine compilation video in the middle of night. / Dänkinhuuto


