Kuukausiarkisto joulukuu, 2015

* itkukrapula

Kirjoitettu 28.12.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa puuronsyönti.

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December 19th, last day in Oulu Game Lab… // Hey Niels, we can’t make it to your going-away party so we wanted to say goodbye while we have a chance. // Good luck to you, you’re a real friend! / Same to you, it’s been a privilege to work with you! // (Going-away party / Say goodbye / Good luck / Friend)

281215-heippa (2)

Niels is leaving, Niels is leaving, Niels is leaving… // Niko, I have good and/or bad news. // So I called the principle of Liminka School Of Arts and he said I could begin my studies in February. Social security is busting my balls already and I have no choice but to move out of Oulu and live in the school campus… I’m Moving In February // I’ve got to do something with my life.

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Well, that was some crying there. Gotta go to the going-away party now. / See ya. // RIP me, cause of death: dehydration from crying and drinking alcohol. // Then I spent Christmas at my parents’ and yeah. // (Socks / Hand towels / Bed sheets) // ALSO I GUESS I FOUND A NEW ROOMMATE WHILE DRAWING THIS ENTRY, FIND OUT WHO IN THE NEXT ENTRY OMG!!!???


* hei viikonpäivät, ootte niin saatanan harmaita

Kirjoitettu 15.12.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa dom andra.

151215-viikonpäivät (1)

monday. monday. monday but drunk maybe. monday. monday but drunk. saturday. ???monday? (days of the week with NIXU & NIXU!)

151215-viikonpäivät (2)

”what if i’ll end up in a job (in my field) that robs me of time to make comics [OR ENERGY]
b.r. ’young mister time management’
p.s. i guess i just did make a comic, silly me.”

Game Lab ends on Friday. / Thesis work has barely begun, after a long fall semester. / Soon. I will be FREE.


* salmiakkikossun keksijän kosketus

Kirjoitettu 9.12.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa Yleinen.

091215-piripillunpää (1) 091215-piripillunpää (2)


* minkä alan huippuosaaja aiot olla 2080-luvulla?

Kirjoitettu 3.12.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa agit-prop, merda d'artista.

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