
1.09.2015 - 19:35 / nikopetteri.

Translated for my possible new foreign readers’ convenience! I translate my blog entries quite seldom nowadays because I’m a piece of shit like that.

namifestarit2015 (1)

Helsinki International Comic Festival 2015! // I took far too many zines with me. / The fuck are we supposed to fit all that into my trunk. / No idea, lol. // 270-ish zines to be exact? Less than a half would’ve been plenty enough. / OH WELL. // Pasta and red wine at friend’s house. / The liberal bubble of Kallio, Helsinki.

namifestarit2015 (2)

Nothing much on Friday. / It’s impossible to enjoy the show in the main tent. / (Murmuring and incomprehensible noises from main stage) // Happy hour it is! // Later in Karhupuisto park: / Feels weird to have friends from different social classes and (sub)cultures. / (Classical music and Madonna, screenwriter of a famous Finnish soap opera) / (Punk rock, watches the soap opera) / Please tell me spoilers, will ya? / No fucking way. Ismo will stay, though. / As if I should somehow be embarrassed for either one of them. Stupid brain! Some sort of caveman atavisms or something.

namifestarit2015 (3)

SMALL fucking PRESS fucking HEAVEN for fuck’s sake! // People loved HeteroseXual Animals #2. // Comic blogger meeting was crowded! Couldn’t ask for self portraits because my sketchbook was full. / I’m your super-fan! You drew me horribly! My first album just got published!* // 6,90€ for a fucking beer!?

(*: Viivi Rintanen – Mielisairaalan kesätyttö [Suuri Kurpitsa])

namifestarit2015 (4)

Official afterparty at Dubrovnik was expensive as shit so us bloggers and Namifetsi the queer-feminist zine participants went to Karhupuisto. / (Discussion about sex, drugs, gender, racism and pee-pee and poo-poo.)

namifestarit2015 (5)

On Sunday we had to leave quite early, so I left 60 zines for Jiipu to sell. They sold 21! And will sell more at their invite-only comic release party in Tampere. // Hey Anssi, we’ll come to your car a few minutes late. / K.


Kategoria: merda d'artista.

4 vastausta - “virkistyspyyhe”

  1. Surkea Kirjoittaa:

    MIKKÄ IHMEEN HAALARIT MULLA ON ::::::::::D eikä mulla ees ollu lettejä voi nyyh mut sentää pääsin tänne jee, Jani on ittensä näköne sentää!!

  2. nikopetteri Kirjoittaa:

    just ihanat tankgirl lappuhaalarit älä yhtään ala! upgreidasin sentään north pride 2012:n spagettiolkaintopista pitkähihaisen paidan päällä :”’D

  3. merlin Kirjoittaa:

    Ooh oon ihan itteni näköinen! Tongue poppaillaan taas kun nähdään!

  4. perareikä Kirjoittaa:

    toi nanan pissa&kakka kuva on kyl paras :D tekis mieli screen shottaa toi kohta ja tatuoida otsaan. oli hyvät keskustelut jeejee!

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