Kuukausiarkisto kesäkuu, 2015

* röyhkeä pissa

Kirjoitettu 29.06.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa puuronsyönti.


When travelling, I slip into this weird non-time that doesn’t exist, while real life only continues when I’m home again. / This must be one of the most important reasons why long distance relationship didn’t work for us. / Long distance friendship, however, works just perfect.


Friday night fever had me going to Hercules. / You’re my first ever drag icon. / How nice to hear that! You have drag in Finland? / In Helsinki, yes, but not in Oulu where I come from… // Then you should establish the tradition!


Saturday, Pride parade day! / We’ve been standing here for an hour. What gives? / (I’m hot, I’m hungry, I’m thirsty, I need to pee.) / The parade has started already. But there’s no fast way to put 25.000 people in one line. / Gay propaganda! Solidarity! Continuous struggle! Revolution!


Hi Mom, you had called? We were in the Pride parade with Axu. / Oh? You’re back together?? // …MOTHER NO. / …Uh-huh. / (You’re still friends with Dad as well, stupid.) // I, THE GREAT WILD GOOSE, HAVE SHAT EVERYWHERE. / I sold all your comics. I told you you should’ve brought more! / Black-pink money.


Later in the evening we went to the beach… with style. / Fuckin’ homos! / Thanks. / Beep beep!!! // THEN WE DANCED TILL SUNRISE! / Ok well I mostly sat around drunk. I HAD A BLAST HUGS AND KISSES <3


* dear eki en pidä elämääni kertomisen arvoisena ja päivitän blogiani pelkästä velvollisuudentunnosta oonx ok

Kirjoitettu 21.06.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa dom andra.

* kukkia ja sidontaa

Kirjoitettu 9.06.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa agit-prop, puuronsyönti.


I have decided to stop sleeping. / That, or higher powers decided that in my stead.


So! Game Lab and Minecraft have completely devoured my life. Yet I have managed to get involved into lots of things. / Such as getting an article of myself in Voima magazine! / So if you found my blog via that: 1) Welcome! 2) Buy my stuff. 3) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


But! Now that I’ve declared it in a nation-wide magazine… / I’ll have to do my bachelor’s thesis! My production will be a printed and/or online comic about LGBTQ alcohol culture, and the thesis itsels will study differences between printed and online comics.


So uhh?? Wish me luck! / It’s quite scary to commit to big decisions. / Game Lab is almost complete for the semester, and I’ll send my zines all around the country and the world. / I might or might not interview you and your friends about coming out, identity, substance abuse, gay nightclubs, sex drugs etc regarding LGBTQ and/or alcohol culture. / See you at Helsinki Pride if I manage to get travelmoney!


* takansytykkeitä

Kirjoitettu 2.06.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa agit-prop, merda d'artista.

LIPSYNC #1:n uusintapainos & LIPSYNC #2: Bad Gays With Temporary Weapons nyt 2€/kpl tai yhdessä tilattuna/ostettuna 3€! myydään netitse, postitse, kirjekyyhkyitse (+ postik.), kädestäkäteen, Hässäkkäpäivillä, PuntalaRockissa, baareissa, pimeänä, random kulttuurikeskuksissa ja Helsingin sarjakuvafestivaaleilla! kysy lisää osoitteesta nikopniva Å gmail piste com. tässä vielä paljasta pintaa ihan ilmaiseksi

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ps saa antaa enemmänkin rahaa kerralla jos haluaa, tän kuun kesäopintotukihakemusta ei oo vielä ehditty käsitellä jne jne elämä kallis sarjakuva halpa


