Kuukausiarkisto kesäkuu, 2015
* röyhkeä pissa
Kirjoitettu 29.06.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa puuronsyönti.
When travelling, I slip into this weird non-time that doesn’t exist, while real life only continues when I’m home again. / This must be one of the most important reasons why long distance relationship didn’t work for us. / Long distance friendship, however, works just perfect.
Friday night fever had me going to Hercules. / You’re my first ever drag icon. / How nice to hear that! You have drag in Finland? / In Helsinki, yes, but not in Oulu where I come from… // Then you should establish the tradition!
Saturday, Pride parade day! / We’ve been standing here for an hour. What gives? / (I’m hot, I’m hungry, I’m thirsty, I need to pee.) / The parade has started already. But there’s no fast way to put 25.000 people in one line. / Gay propaganda! Solidarity! Continuous struggle! Revolution!
Hi Mom, you had called? We were in the Pride parade with Axu. / Oh? You’re back together?? // …MOTHER NO. / …Uh-huh. / (You’re still friends with Dad as well, stupid.) // I, THE GREAT WILD GOOSE, HAVE SHAT EVERYWHERE. / I sold all your comics. I told you you should’ve brought more! / Black-pink money.
Later in the evening we went to the beach… with style. / Fuckin’ homos! / Thanks. / Beep beep!!! // THEN WE DANCED TILL SUNRISE! / Ok well I mostly sat around drunk. I HAD A BLAST HUGS AND KISSES <3
* dear eki en pidä elämääni kertomisen arvoisena ja päivitän blogiani pelkästä velvollisuudentunnosta oonx ok
Kirjoitettu 21.06.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa dom andra.
* kukkia ja sidontaa
Kirjoitettu 9.06.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa agit-prop, puuronsyönti.
I have decided to stop sleeping. / That, or higher powers decided that in my stead.
So! Game Lab and Minecraft have completely devoured my life. Yet I have managed to get involved into lots of things. / Such as getting an article of myself in Voima magazine! / So if you found my blog via that: 1) Welcome! 2) Buy my stuff. 3) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
But! Now that I’ve declared it in a nation-wide magazine… / I’ll have to do my bachelor’s thesis! My production will be a printed and/or online comic about LGBTQ alcohol culture, and the thesis itsels will study differences between printed and online comics.
So uhh?? Wish me luck! / It’s quite scary to commit to big decisions. / Game Lab is almost complete for the semester, and I’ll send my zines all around the country and the world. / I might or might not interview you and your friends about coming out, identity, substance abuse, gay nightclubs, sex drugs etc regarding LGBTQ and/or alcohol culture. / See you at Helsinki Pride if I manage to get travelmoney!
* takansytykkeitä
Kirjoitettu 2.06.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa agit-prop, merda d'artista.
LIPSYNC #1:n uusintapainos & LIPSYNC #2: Bad Gays With Temporary Weapons nyt 2€/kpl tai yhdessä tilattuna/ostettuna 3€! myydään netitse, postitse, kirjekyyhkyitse (+ postik.), kädestäkäteen, Hässäkkäpäivillä, PuntalaRockissa, baareissa, pimeänä, random kulttuurikeskuksissa ja Helsingin sarjakuvafestivaaleilla! kysy lisää osoitteesta nikopniva Å gmail piste com. tässä vielä paljasta pintaa ihan ilmaiseksi
ps saa antaa enemmänkin rahaa kerralla jos haluaa, tän kuun kesäopintotukihakemusta ei oo vielä ehditty käsitellä jne jne elämä kallis sarjakuva halpa
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