Kategoria-arkisto ‘Yleinen’

* be the change u want to see in this wrdllr

Kirjoitettu 9.11.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa Yleinen.

091115talikkokone (1)

”I am going to beat the universe in its own game.”

091115talikkokone (2)

Oulu Comic Festival came and went. // In the meanwhile, sad news shook the city. // Spare a loose coin? / ”Coin Tane” was known to the entire city. // Um // Sure, just a sec. / Thank you very much. / (Winter or spring 2012 or 2013.) / Most encounters were brief but warm-hearted. No need for inane details such as seasons. // One would absent-mindedly spare change, other would shoot the breeze, third treat to salmon soup. / Anyone with a dash of Oulu inside them wouldn’t dream of saying ’no way!’ to Tane. // The news came to the internet and also my knowledhe via Tane’s favourite money game machine. / To Coin Tane! / (Festival Friday, instead of opening ceremony.)


* paittakaa soronoid

Kirjoitettu 28.09.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa Yleinen.


(Mom:) You ought to call your grandma, she’s starting to fade. Memory issues etc. // God, I’m not ready to confront a close relative’s death. / Such pressure! As if she’ll die any second now, and my phonecall will be a race against time! // Hi grandma, how’s it going? Niko her– / Hey! Long time no talk! Blah blah blah / …Yes, right! // One may notice which parent I got my pessimism and paranoia from.


* das immotivatsional (kein Immonen)

Kirjoitettu 22.09.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa Yleinen.

* kämä

Kirjoitettu 26.05.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa Yleinen.

rakas taivaan isä jos kuulet minua niin asenna mulle photari ja win7 ja kalibroi mun piirtopöytä

jiipuhaaste (1)

jiipuhaaste (2)

jiipuhaaste (3)

jiipuhaaste (4)

en osaa päättää ketä haastaisin joten en haasta ketään. sen sijaan kysyn teiltä kaikilta että mitä kuuluu ja haluutteko turpaan (ei oo pakko vastata kumpaankaan)



* #crustmas ⒶDVENT CALENDAR 12/12

Kirjoitettu 24.12.2014 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa Yleinen.

krustmas012 copy

On the 12th day of #CRUSTMAS my true love gave to me 12 squatting comrades, 11 AFA stickers, 10 biased news feeds, 9 shades of lipstick, 8 stolen car blings, 7 types of queer porn, 6 zines about stuff, 5 self-grown chilis, 4 fabric patches, 3 Noituus EP’s, 2 packs of Pall Mall & some cheap beer with vegan cheese.


