hyvin nää vejät, eli you drag good

3.11.2014 - 12:54 / nikopetteri.

ATTENTION NON-FINNISH-SPEAKING FOLLOWERS! In case you missed it, I uploaded the English translation of ”HeteroseXual Animals” into my Julkaisut page. Read it directly, here.


My classmates’ web radio have a photo contest #Bachelor/BacheloretteOfTheYear. / The choice of clothing was obvious to me.


The problem was the little identity crisis I had. / Will I be a #Bachelor or a #Bachelorette? Do I take on a feminine role with my makeup and my dress, or do I break the limits of masculinity itself? / Fuck it! I’m a cis guy in a gown! A performance princess! A gender terrorist! My masculinity isn’t fragile enough to be shattered by mere lipstick.




Kategoria: agit-prop, puuronsyönti.

2 vastausta - “hyvin nää vejät, eli you drag good”

  1. jii Ivaneva Kirjoittaa:

    Hieno mekkovalinta! :)

  2. Rasmus Kirjoittaa:

    Ihan tosi mainio! <3

    (poikamiesradio.com näyttäis toimivan paremmin kuin net)

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