se ön ränni

11.11.2014 - 11:34 / nikopetteri.

111114-oucomix1 Oulu Comics Festival happened. // I’ve had a long week of getting jack shit done. / Now, beer. // <music> <glorifying alcohol culture> 111114-oucomix2 The above was on Thursday comics meeting, or launch party of sorts. / On Friday I glorified hangover, and evening I attended the official opening while glorifying alcohol culture. // A speech. / What magnificent quality in the Nordic Comic Competition! / (A collection of winning comics.) // But it’s better to compete with a shitty submission than not compete at all. I guess. / Now home, I’m anxious. 111114-oucomix3 New septum hurts. / New ass hurts. (I tried Butt Bible.) / Soul hurts. // Comics Club & Blog Panel. / Hurp durp durp. / Then glorifying bar hopping. 111114-oucomix4 I’m tired, constantly craving beer, constantly feeling guilty about it, and pissed off 24/7. I guess my winter depression is kicking in. // – // Hey friend! I recall you wanted to buy a commission from me? Well, it’s done now. / Excellent! Take my money immediately.

Kategoria: puuronsyönti.

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