Kuukausiarkisto marraskuu, 2015

* parempi kännissä kuin osa niiden koneen

Kirjoitettu 23.11.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa puuronsyönti.

231115pellervokurwa (1)

231115pellervokurwa (2)

231115pellervokurwa (3)


* salmiakkikossu

Kirjoitettu 16.11.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa puuronsyönti.

Olen ääliö enkä tullut maininneeksi että merkinnässä esiintyvä pikkurouva on minun rakas äiti :DDdD

Tai sit oletin vaan et tottaKAI kaikki muistaa viime vuoden Hector-merkinnän! Anyway katsokaa




* be the change u want to see in this wrdllr

Kirjoitettu 9.11.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa Yleinen.

091115talikkokone (1)

”I am going to beat the universe in its own game.”

091115talikkokone (2)

Oulu Comic Festival came and went. // In the meanwhile, sad news shook the city. // Spare a loose coin? / ”Coin Tane” was known to the entire city. // Um // Sure, just a sec. / Thank you very much. / (Winter or spring 2012 or 2013.) / Most encounters were brief but warm-hearted. No need for inane details such as seasons. // One would absent-mindedly spare change, other would shoot the breeze, third treat to salmon soup. / Anyone with a dash of Oulu inside them wouldn’t dream of saying ’no way!’ to Tane. // The news came to the internet and also my knowledhe via Tane’s favourite money game machine. / To Coin Tane! / (Festival Friday, instead of opening ceremony.)


* et osannut tulkita kai mun viestejäni kryptisiä

Kirjoitettu 4.11.2015 - nikopetteri. Kategoriassa agit-prop, merda d'artista.

palervokalsa (1)

(Sometimes, when I open my mouth, words come out. Such as: Love. Feminism. Anal stimulation. Sometimes the words make sense. Sometimes they don’t. Which does not happen very often because I am a smart, capable young man.)

palervokalsa (2)

Greetings Earthlings! // My name is Niko-Petteri Niva, and I’ll be selling my comics in Oulu Comic Festival’s Comic Oasis on Saturday, November 11th, 11AM till 7PM! Don’t ask me why I’m naked! // Tomorrow, Thursday 5th, the festival opens and seminar stuff will happen. In the evening, comic meeting in Snooker Time Bar. / (Jupe:) Get dressed now. // On Friday, Nordic Comic Competition winners will be rewarded and 2016 competition theme announced. // In the evening, in (Kulttuuri)Bingo, Comic Ink Club. See Tiitu Takalo in the flesh! / Hiya.

Sunnuntaina näyttelyesittelykierroksia, katsokaa internetistä. / On Sunday, exhibition tours, see the internet for more information.



Kulttuurikeskus Valve & Oulun sarjakuvakeskus
Hallituskatu 7, Oulu

Mäkelininkatu 29, Oulu

Snooker Time Bar
Asemakatu 28, Oulu


