move in the right direction

13.05.2013 - 16:55 / nikopetteri.

Painting class has been a blast! Of shit. On my face. But sometimes it’s been really rewarding and lots of fun. Here are some of my favourites. All have bee painted with acrylic paints, usually within a couple of hours because I’m lazy and impatient.


Mooore leeeaaaaves and letting the wet paint run artistically to distract the viewer from all of the randomness!

Replica of Mother and Child by Egon Schiele.

And this.

Guess which one is the free-time for-shits-and-giggles painting about a subject of choice, e.g. glass ceiling, self-indulgent Liv Strömquist pastiche, and smashing the patriarchy via turning the tables regarding the issue.

Kategoria: merda d'artista.

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